

The bodies of the Company are the Assembly, the Management Board and the President of the Assembly or the Management Board. The mandate of the body and bodies of the Company is three years. Each delegate can be re-elected.

The Association Assembly consists of all members of the Association and representatives of the companies-members of the Association.

The Management Board is the executive body of the Association responsible for the implementation of the provisions of the Statute, programmed and planned affairs, decisions and conclusions of the Assembly.

The Management Board consists of the President, two Vice-Presidents and seven members.

The President of the Assembly is also the Chairman of the Management Board.

The President represents the Association, takes care of the correct and timely implementation of decisions, conclusions and other acts of the Assembly and the Management Board and signs the act adopted by the Assembly and the Management Board of the Association. In his absence, the Chairman of the Management Board is replaced by one of the Vice-Presidents.

The Assembly elects the General Secretary of the Association who is in charge of performing professional, administrative and treasury affairs in accordance with the acts of the Assembly and the Management Board.

Secretaries are automatically members of the Assembly of the Association.